Corn tortillas vs. flour tortillas.
Simple. Always choose corn tortillas if you want a real taco.
If you’re a gringo, they’ll ask, “Harina o maiz”, (flour or corn?), because they think you want flour tortillas. If you’re not a gringo, they’ll say, “Maiz o harina”?
If you have trouble remembering the difference between “harina” or “maiz” then you are a gringo, so pick the one they don’t think you want. The second one. The good stuff.

Maiz (mah-yeez)
A few exceptions can be made. If they’re not making the corn tortillas right there in front of you, and they pull the tortillas out of a Fiesta bag, and the flour tortillas ARE homemade, then you may consider flour.
You also have the option of threatening the non-corn tortilla making lady with a Jarritos bottle until they learn how to make corn tortillas.
I am not advocating violence toward taco stand employees in any way, shape or form.
That is, unless they are not making fresh corn tortillas from scratch.