I beg your pardon.
Since “Link Road” goes in several directions, I had a hard time finding The Rose Garden. It was recommended by an older fella named “Pee Wee” that I met at The Tall Texan the day before.
When I stepped in there, I realized that 29-95’s review of Rose Garden was very accurate, but much more positive than what you’ll see below.

This is similar to the barber shop you hated as a kid.
This place is small. Really small. I walked up to the bar and ordered a Miller Lite like a badass.
When I walked in, the crowd looked as if they had been there all day discussing what they would do when I got there.
Which would be understandable if I was dressed up like a woman this warm Wednesday evening, but I only do that on the first Tuesday of each month, so it was disconcerting.
The music was loud. Too loud for a country bar. It wasn’t country music, but some kind of country/Polish hybrid music that you might hear in New Braunsfels during a daytime festival.
For a moment, I was David Koresh holed up in a burning closet while the ATF blasted “Achy Breaky Heart”. It was true sonic warfare, and it worked.
I hate this place.
It could be beneficial being able to simply lean back and order another beer from the bar. But, I just can’t get behind the name of the place. I mean, who are they kidding?
.-= Roy Martinez´s last blog ..Jokes… =-.