The C&F Drive Inn.
The C&F Drive Inn is on North Main, just inside 610. I think they have about four kinds of beer in stock, which is really unnecessary because everyone is drinking Miller Lite.

You can get one beer for two dollars, or you can get a bucket of six beers for 12 dollars.
The bartender is a really sweet lady named Yolanda who has worked there for around 30 years. You will recognize her by her big hair and charming smile. She will keep serving you cold beers until you start trouble or fall down more than once. She will even put your beer in a koozie, with the logo of a local bail bonding company imprinted on the front.
Behind the bar you’ll see Bandito’s t-shirts for sale, and an autographed poster of a pre-Channel 2 newscaster Jennifer Reyna. Folks here say they’ve known her since she was a little girl, and they are all very proud of her accomplishments.
There is an internet jukebox, which is usually playing country, Tejano, or Ranchera music. If you see a local homeless guy that walks funny with a perpetual grin on his face, that’s Smiley. He picks up the place.
Out back is a patio area, where you’ll usually find someone named Albert or Roland barbecuing several chickens. And yes, they know exactly what they are doing. On the weekends, they often throw benefits for people in the neighborhood going through hard times.
It’s a good place to catch a game, and though the crowd might seem stand-offish at first, they’re a great bunch of folks. Oh, and if you happen to get here when there are a hundred motorcycles parked in front, then you just got there on the wrong day. Cruise down the street to Dan Electro’s or something.

The Channel 2 Traffic Lady.
I’ve had the pleasure(?) of visiting this establishment with our author on a couple of occasions and he’s dead right about the beer selection. “If you don’t drink Miller Lite, well …”
I don’t think they really think much farther than that on the subject.
But, the atmosphere is kinda cozy and it smells like you would expect. Reliability counts for someting, right?
.-= Roy Martinez´s last blog ..Jokes… =-.