Ode to El Chupacabra
Every once in a while in Texas, someone comes across an odd looking dog, shoots it, calls it a Chupacabra and gets famous for a few days. The most recent story comes from Blanco, Texas, and was posted on the front page of CNN.
I’m no taxonomist, but when I saw the picture, I knew exactly what it was. A Mexican Hairless, also known as a Xoloitzcuintli. A fitting name, because if you were to look at this disgusting hellion of a creature, that’s exactly what you’d name it. A friggin’ Xoloitzcuintli.
These things have been running stray in Mexico since Aztecs were chopping off human heads in record numbers to satisfy the Sun God. That being said, it’s not too far off to call these things chupacabras, because if I saw one of these things sucking the life out of one of my goats, I think I’d just chalk it up as a supernatural creature, and blow up my goat with a guided missile of some sort.
I saw one at a horse ranch in Cozumel a few years ago. Some of the other tourists fed it their leftover tacos to my dismay, and one of them ACTUALLY LET THAT THING LICK HER FACE. I would pay good money for video footage of that, because I still don’t believe it myself.
If you reviewed that linked article I mentioned earlier, you can see LA folks dogging on us Texans for being dumb enough to believe in chupacabras in the comments section.
Which is fine with me, because they’re dumb enough to live in California where you can’t buy any guns to defend yourself against chupacabras, genius.
Anyhow, I thought I’d set up a little hoax of my own.
Blanco, TX is pretty close to San Antonio, so I went to Craigslist.com in San Antonio and posted a missing Mexican Hairless dog in Blanco just to see what became of it. I used this picture of a slightly more respectable-looking Xoloitzcuintli:
The first 2 responses were some kind of automated posts from “dog finders”, which are people that apparently have some kind of job finding lost dogs. Doesn’t sound very profitable. One of them was funny, but way too long to post. Here are some of the others:
“Hi I saw your ad on craiglist. Thier is a taxidermist in blanco that says he has chapurada. But it really looks like your dog. the story is ksat channel 12. Im not sure but maybe you should check it out. Hope this helps” – Casey & Penelope
What is chapurada, some kind of skin disorder?
“I know you might think I’m kidding, but a couple of days ago it was all over the news that the chupacabras was found dead in blanco, tx. The sad part is that the animal they showed looks just like your dog. Look it up on CNN.com I wish I was joking, but I’m really serious.
Did you catch that? He sent me a link to my own post. Thanks Dave!
Hi- I saw your ad and I know this sounds werid but I saw a video on CNN about a guy who found the “chupacabra” in Blanco, TX….but to me it looks like a dog (in fact, your dog)….I know this sounds werid, but look at the video yourself…….I don’t know if this helps…….Simone
Werid is the right word in this context, Simone. Thank you.
This person preferred to give me the horrible news over the phone:
if you have not located your dog please call me. Gloria 555-555-5555 The information may not be helpful but I do pray for your peace of mind. God bless
This one wasn’t entirely convinced, but still had the good nature to coldly inform me of my pet’s early demise at the hands of a taxidermy student:
is this a hoax?
anyhow there was a yahoo report yesterday about a chupacabra found in blanco, tx. pretty much looked just like that dog u posted a pic of. is dead and located at a taxidermy in blanco. do a yahoo search.
I hope these posts bring you as much guilty entertainment as they did for me. I’ll leave you with a photo of a taco truck with a chupacabra on it. Check back for updates on this post as more responses become available.
Hahaha nice dude. I watched the video they linked. My favorite line:
“I’ll mount it because I think it can be a really interesting conveersation piece.”
Yeah, I can see that. “Why’d you stuff a dog?”
A Chupacabra taco truck!??! And I am reading it right, the tacos are “gratis”….FREE!!!! So I wonder what a Chupacabra taco taste like? I guess you would not have to worry about hair in the food..haha!! Dude, put that truck next to the Chuck Norris taco truck in the parking lot of some dive bar that has women jello wrestling, and you have the have created the greatest spot on the face of the earth!
@John Scrovak “I’ll mount it because…”
My mind went ENTIRELY the wrong direction with that sentence. 0_0
.-= Jennifer Mathis´s last blog ..An abrupt change of plans. =-.
fugly dog